Sunday, August 26, 2018

Wind Loading: A Practical Guide to BS 6399-2A

Wind Loading: 
A Practical Guide to BS 6399-2A
1999 | PDF | 150 pages | 6.8 MB

All buildings in the UK must now adhere to the recently published wind code BS 6399-2. The introduction of a new code is often traumatic, especially so in this case,as the previous code has been in place for 25 years. The author's considerable practical knowledge of wind engineering, together with his involvement in drafting this standard and his experience in conducting workshops on this subject make him the ideal person to convey the strengths and weaknesses of BS 6399-2 in this guide. Following recent amendments to BS 6399-2 (2002) this popular guide has been revised.

What is Japanese Architecture?: A Survey of Traditional Japanese Architecture

What is Japanese Architecture?: 
A Survey of Traditional Japanese Architecture
English | 1996 | PDF | 144 pages | 7,3 MB

Traditional Japanese architecture-whether Buddhist temples or Shinto shrines, residences, castles, or teahouses-has become increasingly familiar around the world. Through the media of motion pictures, art books, T.V. documentaries and dramas such as Shogun, as well as through personal experience, more and more people have gained an acquaintance and appreciation of the architecture of premodern Japan. Some may even be able to name or recognize the oldest and the largest wooden structures in existence, which are to be found in Japan at Horyuji and Todaiji respectively. Yet often this knowledge is still rudimentary. Confusion abounds as to what distinguishes Japanese architecture from Chinese or Korean, or even Southeast Asian, not to mention what sets off a Buddhist temple from a Shinto shrine or, say, a residence of the tenth century from one of the eighteenth. Until now, there has been no recourse for those seeking, through a single book, to increase their appreciation of the whole range of traditional Japanese architecture. With the publication of What Is Japanese Architecture?, however, this situation has finally been rectified. Construction, design, carpentry, and the background of Japanese architecture, from prehistory to mid-nineteenth century, are here made available within the covers of a single, compact book.

With over 300 drawings that illuminate the essentials of discussion more concretely than words could ever do, and a text that is succinct and always to the point, the book is divided into four parts-one each dealing chronologically with religious structures, residences, castles, and places of entertainment. The reader learns not only how each of these fields of architecture has evolved over the centuries and what distinguishes the buildings of one age from those of another, but something of the historical conditions and the people responsible for these changes as well as the role played by carpentry and methods of construction. The establishment and growth of the historic Japanese capitals-Nara, Kyoto, Edo-is brought sharply into focus, along with the rise and spread of other urban centers. Also highlighted are the mansions of the court nobility; the castles and residences of the samurai aristocracy; the homes of village elders; dwellings of the common people; educational institutions, and places of entertainment such as theaters, red-light districts, teahouses, and country villas.

Any book that is as full of information as this, and readily accessible and clearly illustrated at the same time, will be of great interest and use to a wide range of people-architects, designers, historians, carpenters, movie buffs, tourists, garden designers, and others, whether amateur or professional. Whatever the readers' background, there is little doubt about one thing: they will emerge with an acuter eye and a greater sensitivity to the delights of traditional Japanese architecture.

Virtual Futures for Design, Construction and Procurement

Virtual Futures for Design, Construction and Procurement
344 pages | PDF | 44,4 MB

This book brings together some of the best practitioners and thinkers from around the world to discuss the likely future of information and communication technologies for the construction industry.

It addresses a range of innovative developments, state of the art applications, research work and theoretical arguments with regard to the use of virtual technologies in design, construction and procurement. From a future oriented perspective, the book presents what can be expected from the next generation of these technologies.

Villes et peuplement dans l'Illyricum protobyzantin

Villes et peuplement dans l'Illyricum protobyzantin
Actes du colloque de Rome (12-14 mai 1982) (Collection de l'École française de Rome 77)
École française de Rome | 1984 | 542 pages | PDF | 61MB

Deux ou trois types de problèmes ont traditionnellement retenu l'attention des historiens quand ils se sont intéressés à l'Illyricum protobyzantin : administratifs et ecclésiastiques d'une part, en raison de la position charnière qu'occupe cette région entre les deux parties de l'ancien empire romain, et il s'agissait alors de définir la place de l'Illyricum dans la nouvelle configuration des pouvoirs, et événementiels d'autre part, à cause des bouleversements qu'ont entraînés dans la région les vagues successives d'envahisseurs barbares. Or le spécialiste dispose aujourd'hui, grâce en particulier aux multiples fouilles et trouvailles archéologiques, d'un matériel documentaire qui s'est considérablement renouvelé et qui autorise de nouvelles approches de l'Illyricum protobyzantin : processus d'acculturation entre les groupes slaves et les villes impériales, émergence d'un nouveau pouvoir urbain qui se substitue aux anciennes institutions municipales et modifie en profondeur les structures de la ville illyrienne, récession démographique et ruralisation de l'économie qui se répercutent sur les conditions du peuplement et la physionomie des paysages urbains, etc. La ville se trouve en fait à la croisée de presque toutes les questions que permet aujourd'hui de poser le renouveau des études illyriennes et l'on comprend qu'elle ait occupé une place centrale lors des travaux du colloque qui s'est tenu à Rome les 12, 13 et 14 mai 1982. Cependant aucun aspect des recherches les plus récentes sur l'Illyricum protobyzantin n'a été négligé au cours de ce colloque dont les actes fournissent une contribution essentielle pour toute réflexion sur les conditions dans lesquelles s'est effectué, sous le coup des invasions et de la partition entre Orient et Occident, le passage de l'Antiquité au Moyen Âge. Le texte des communications est ici publié en français ou en anglais, accompagné d'un résumé et d'un index des noms propres.

Ventilation and Airflow in Buildings: Methods for Diagnosis and Evaluation

Ventilation and Airflow in Buildings: 
Methods for Diagnosis and Evaluation
2008 | 128 pages | PDF | 2 MB

Energy efficiency in buildings requires, among other things, that ventilation be appropriately dimensioned: too much ventilation wastes energy, and insufficient ventilation leads to poor indoor air quality and low comfort. Studies have shown that ventilation systems seldom function according to their commissioned design. They have also shown that airflow measurement results are essential in improving a ventilation system.

This key handbook explains why ventilation in buildings should be measured and describes how to measure it, giving applied examples for each measurement method. The book will help building physicists and ventilation engineers to properly commission ventilation systems and appropriately diagnose ventilation problems throughout the life of a building. Drawing on over 20 years of experience and the results of recent international research projects, this is the definitive guide to diagnosing air flow patterns within buildings.

Urban Space and Representation

Urban Space and Representation

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Urban Regions Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

Urban Regions 
Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

Urban Planning Today: A Harvard Design Magazine Reader

Urban Planning Today: 
A Harvard Design Magazine Reader
2006 | PDF | 160 pages | 11 mb

American cities' penchants for single-use zoning and free-market development in pursuit of economic growth have produced problems that have long been recognized: grueling commutes and dependency on automobiles, social isolation, expensive public infrastructure, needless destruction of countryside. Eminent domain disputes rage on, despite recent Supreme Court decisions. Outdated public housing and failed single-function projects litter the landscape. Addressing these urgent problems and debating the public's role in urban planning, the contributors to Urban Planning Today report on real projects in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, New York, Omaha, Portland, and Vancouver. They bring varying, and sometimes divergent, perspectives from backgrounds in urban design and development, city and regional planning, criticism, and law to bear on the mixed bag of results observed in these cities.

Urban Forests and Trees: A Reference Book

Urban Forests and Trees: A Reference Book
2005 | 516 pages | PDF | 20,9 MB

This book covers all aspects of planning, designing, establishing and managing forests and trees and forests in and near urban areas. The disciplinary background of the authors is varied, ranging from forestry and horticulture to landscape ecology, landscape architecture and even plant pathology.

The first chapters in the first part of the book deal with the concept, history, chapter deal with the form, function and benefits and functions of urban forests and urban trees. , after which These are followed by second part the chapters in the second partthat focus on the more strategic aspects of accommodating the demands of the urban population, including policies, design, public participation and partnerships. In the third part the reader will find chapters on . But main emphasis is given to the establishment and selection of trees for urban uses, as well as information on growing conditions specific for urban areas. Part four deals with the management of urban forests and trees, including the use of information in management and a chapter on an overview of arboricultural practices. TFinally the book concludes with three chapters that providinge an overview of research and education in the field as well as shed someding light on the future perspectives for planning and managing urban forests and trees.

Urban Design and the Bottom Line: Optimizing the Return on Perception

Urban Design and the Bottom Line: 
Optimizing the Return on Perception
Urban Land Institute | pages: 300 | 2008 | PDF | 183 mb

Using verifiable figures and drawing on professional experience, this argument for the "dividend" generated from high-quality, preinvestment design investigates the benefits and impact of good design upon all facets of an urban area—the community, businesses, employees, the general public, city officials, and the developer.

Understanding Construction Drawings (5th Edition)

Understanding Construction Drawings (5th Edition)
2009 | 391 pages | PDF | 14MB

Updated to the 2006 International Building and Residential Codes, the fifth edition of Understanding Construction Drawings continues to highlight a range of real construction projects - from residential dwellings to commercial structures. This enhanced edition combines information and a hands-on approach to learning. The text provides thorough coverage that builds the foundation for a broad understanding of the entire construction process.

Tropical Architecture : In the dry and humid zones

Tropical Architecture. 
In the dry and humid zones
1964 | DJVU | 262 pages | 11.5 mb

Tropical Architecture in the Dry and Humid Zones discusses the factors affecting design in the tropics generally: the people and their needs; the climate and its attendant ills; the materials and means of building. The book is written by pioneers of modern design both in Britain and in the tropics where they have offices Ghana and Nigeria.

Travel by Design: The Influence of Urban Form on Travel

Travel by Design:
 The Influence of Urban Form on Travel
2001 | 240 pages | PDF | 15 MB

Can transportation problems be fixed by the right neighborhood design? The tremendous popularity of the "new urbanism" and "livable communities" initiatives suggests that many persons think so. As a systematic assessment of attempts to solve transportation problems through urban design, this book asks and answers three questions: Can such efforts work? Will they be put into practice? Are they a good idea?

Tracing Modernity: Manifestations of the Modern in Architecture and the City

Tracing Modernity: 
Manifestations of the Modern in Architecture and the City
English |  2004 |360 pages | PDF | 10,3 MB

From the seventeenth century until today, the 'modern' has served as a key category by which to understand an ever-changing present. Art and architecture have played a key role in this pursuit, as the means by which 'the modern' was to manifest itself. The essays in this new anthology trace the modern project through its multifarious manifestation in order to understand contemporary culture in a deeper sense than discussions of 'modernism' and 'post modernism' usually offer. Drawing on architectural and urban history as well as philosophy and sociology, the book outlines the complex and conflicting roots of modernity by tracing its manifestations in architecture and the city. David Frisby, Iain Boyd Whyte, Caroline van Eck, Gabriele Bryant, Dalibor Vesely, Gavin Stamp, Mari Hvattum, Diana Periton, Tomas A. Markus, Detlef Mertins, Dagmar Weston, Jonathan Charley, Juliet Kin

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Top 100 Bravacasa - Divani + Poltrone

Top 100 Bravacasa - Divani + Poltrone
PDF | 199 pages | Italian | 34.1 MB

Top 100 Bravacasa - Letti + Armadi

Top 100 Bravacasa - Letti + Armadi
PDF | 194 pages | Italian | 68.4 MB 

Top 100 Bravacasa - Sedie + Tavoli

Top 100 Bravacasa - Sedie + Tavoli
PDF | 195 pages | Italian | 27.4 MB

Time-saver standards for Architectural Design Data (seventh edition)

Time-saver standards for Architectural Design Data (seventh edition)

The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space

The Unknown City: 
Contesting Architecture and Social Space
English | 2002 | 561 pages | PDF | 20,7 MB

The Unknown City takes its place in the emerging architectural literature that looks beyond design process and buildings to discover new ways of looking at the urban experience. A multistranded contemplation of the notion of "knowing a place," it is about both the existence and the possibilities of architecture and the city.

An important inspiration for the book is the work of Henri Lefebvre, in particular his ideas on space as a historical production. Many of the essays also draw on the social critique and tactics of the Situationist movement. The international gathering of contributors includes art, architectural, and urban historians and theorists; urban geographers; architects, artists, and filmmakers; and literary and cultural theorists. The essays range from abstract considerations of spatial production and representation to such concrete examples of urban domination as video surveillance and Regency London as the site of male pleasure.

Although many of the essays are driven by social, cultural, and urban theory, they also tell real stories about real places. Each piece is in some way a critique of capitalism and a thought experiment about how designers and city dwellers working together can shape the cities of tomorrow.

Learning from Las Vegas : The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form

Learning from Las Vegas : 
The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form

Book Description
"Their insight and analysis, reasoned back through the history of style and symbolism and forward to the recognition of a new kind of building that responds directly to speed, mobility, the superhighway and changing life styles, is the kind of art history and theory that is rarely produced. The rapid evolution of modern architecture from Le Corbusier to Brazil to Miami to the roadside motel in a brief 40-year span, with all the behavioral esthetics involved, is something neither architect nor historian has deigned to notice...." -- Ada Louise Huxtable, The New York TImes

Learning from Las Vegas created a healthy controversy on its appearance in 1972, calling for architects to be more receptive to the tastes and values of "common" people and less immodest in their erections of "heroic," self-aggrandizing monuments.

This revision includes the full texts of Part I of the original, on the Las Vegas strip, and Part II, "Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed," a generalization from the findings of the first part on symbolism in architecture and the iconography of urban sprawl. (The final part of the first edition, on the architectureal work of the firm Venturi and Rauch, is not included in the revision.) The new paperback edition has a smaller format, fewer pictures, and a considerably lower price than the original. There are an added preface by Scott Brown and a bibliography of writings by the members of Venturi and Rauch and about the firm's work. 

Exit-Architecture : Design Between War and Peace

Exit-Architecture :
 Design Between War and Peace 

Les énergies du 21ème siècle

Les énergies du 21ème siècle

La question énergétique est un défi majeur pour l’avenir de la planète. En 2030, la demande énergétique à l’échelle mondiale aura doublé sous l’effet conjugué de l’augmentation de la population (9 à 10 milliards en 2050) et de la croissance des pays émergents. A l’heure où les ressources disponibles sont en voie de raréfaction et où il devient urgent d’engager une lutte efficace contre le changement climatique, le nucléaire et les énergies renouvelables (solaire, biocarburants, batteries et piles à combustible) apparaissent comme des énergies pour l’avenir. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Foundation Design: Theory and Practice

Foundation Design: Theory and Practice
2011 |  PDF | 544 pages | 37.8 MB

In Foundation Design: Theory and Practice, Professor N. S. V. Kameswara Rao covers the key aspects of the subject, including principles of testing, interpretation, analysis, soil-structure interaction modeling, construction guidelines, and applications to rational design. Rao presents a wide array of numerical methods used in analyses so that readers can employ and adapt them on their own. Throughout the book the emphasis is on practical application, training readers in actual design procedures using the latest codes and standards in use throughout the world.

Forma6 Architecture

Forma6 Architecture
2008 | French | 195 Pages | 52MB | True PDF

forma6 œuvre sur Nantes et le Grand-Ouest français depuis trente ans. Ses projets d'architecture, d'urbanisme et de paysage jalonnent le territoire.

Associés : Xavier BOUANCHAUD, Catherine DAUMAS, Sylvie HOYEAU, 
Jean-Louis GARCIA, Catherine MALLERET, Jean-Christoph ROUSSEAU.

Flood Damaged Property

Flood Damaged Property
2004 | PDF | 8,5 MB

Floods often cause considerable damage to properties, demanding huge financial sums for repair works, the temporary closure of businesses and the uprooting of families from homes.

With climate change and the development of property on flood plains, the flooding of buildings has become a considerable problem, both for property owners and their insurers.

This book, based on extensive research, provides guidance on how to assess and repair flood damaged properties.

Fantasy City: Pleasure and Profit in the Postmodern Metropolis

Fantasy City: Pleasure and Profit in the Postmodern Metropolis
1998 | 256 pages | PDF | 5 MB

In a devastating critique of what he terms the postmodern American city, Hannigan, a sociology professor at the University of Toronto, charts a growing trend: the spreading infrastructure of megaplex cinemas, malls, themed restaurants, casinos, music megastores and other large-scale entertainment complexes.

 In his skeptical view, such spaces transform the public world into insular commercialized spheres, allowing leisure and conviviality without real social interaction. Hannigan questions the alleged economic benefits these sites hold for local communities, arguing that they threaten the destruction of neighborhoods and local identities while creating a polarized metropolis catering to the overwhelming middle-class desire for predictability and security.

 He casts a dour eye on the overlap of "eatertainment," "edutainment" and "shopertainment" and examines the alliance of players involved in building the postmodern leisure environment?real estate developers, corporate investors, retail operators and giant entertainment companies such as Disney, Universal, Sony, Warner Bros., Rank and Ogden. Looking back on the "golden age" of popular urban entertainment (1890-1925) when vaudeville halls, baseball stadiums, nightclubs and amusement parks blossomed, Hannigan argues that the captains of leisure maintained tight social control over a public culture that fostered the illusion of a democratic crowd where city dwellers mingled freely, regardless of race, class and gender. His provocative and far-sighted report will engage urban planners and all who care about the fate of U.S. cities. 

Eco-Urban Design

Eco-Urban Design
2011 | PDF | 236 pages | 80.7 MB

"Eco-Urban Design" focuses on the unprecedented challenges currently faced by architects and designers. In a world where climate change, diminishing natural resources and an increasing global population have become indisputable facts of life there is now a rising demand for evolved buildings that no longer endanger the Earth's fragile ecological systems.

This book endeavours to tell the positive side of the story by featuring considered design solutions provided by the world's most innovative architects and engineers. By only including realised projects which have been subjected to post construction monitoring this publication provides evidence-based information that measured reductions in carbon emissions, water and energy usage can actually be achieved in the field and not just on the drawing board.

These completed projects demonstrate best practice and will inspire a new hybrid generation of designers who will combine architecture and engineering skills to resolve a key environmental challenge. Furthermore, these creative construction projects from a variety of genres including, commercial property, public buildings, social housing and private homes give testimony to the fact that investment in green archineering also provides a commercial advantage to forward thinking developers and investors.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Failed Stone: Problems and Solutions with Concrete and Masonry

Failed Stone: Problems and Solutions with Concrete and Masonry
159 pages | PDF | 20,5 MB

Concrete and stone seem made to last forever. But the fact is they develop structural damage over time. While not always as dramatic as the collapse of a roof section at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in 2004, gradual changes also occur that may compromise a building's appearance and structure. These changes include efflorescence, thermal stress, material incompatibilities, corrosion, and impact. Failed Stone systematically analyzes cases of damage in contemporary international architecture and offers strategies for minimizing the risk of damage. Examples include such high-visibility structures as Finlandia Hall in Helsinki by Alvar Aalto, Renzo Piano's Parco della Musica in Rome, and the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington. In nine chapters, typical kinds of damage are explained and illustrated with real-world examples.

Educational Spaces. Volume 3

Educational Spaces. Volume 3
English | 222 pages | PDF | 40.3 MB

The planning and design of educational institutions is the most socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and doubtless the most difficult to perform well. The primary purpose of all featured buildings is education, including tertiary institutions, colleges, schools, museums and pre-school facilities. Some of the architectural firms featured in this volume are Architeketen Schweger + Partner, ASSAR, Fentress Bradburn, Holm Architects, Kisho Kurokawa, Michael Graves, Mitchell/ Giurgola Architects, Pica Ciamarra Associati, Thompson Vaivoda & Associates and Wintersgill & Faulkner.

Educational Spaces. Volume 2

Educational Spaces. Volume 2
English | 177 pages | PDF | 228.7 MB

In all probability the most important socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and doubtless the most difficult to perform well. The primary purpose of all featured buildings is education and this ranges from tertiary institutions; colleges; schools; museums; and pre-school facilities. Biographies of participating firms are provided.

Educational Spaces. Volume 1

Educational Spaces. Volume 1
English | 202 pages | PDF | 260.2 MB

The planning and design of educational institutions is the most socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and doubtless the most difficult to perform well.

Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials

Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials
2011 | PDF | 255 pages | 5.4 MB

Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials provides essential reading about materials for the construction industry in the twenty-first century. It covers the latest findings in the field, especially the toxicity aspects, embodied energy, construction and demolition wastes, the use of wastes in concrete, masonry units, materials reinforced with vegetable fibres, earth construction, the durability aspects, and also the importance of nanotechnology to the development of more environmentally-friendly materials.

Downsizing Your Home with Style Living Well In a Smaller Space

Downsizing Your Home with Style 
Living Well In a Smaller Space
249 pages / English

When you're moving a lifetime's accumulation of belongings from a larger home into a jewel box, the task can seem overwhelming—and so can your emotions. How do you decide what to pack and what to part with? How can you use the things you have so that they function well and look right?

dictionnaire du bâtiment et du génie civil

dictionnaire du bâtiment et du génie civil

Dictionary of Civil Engineering

Dictionary of Civil Engineering
1516 pages | PDF | 56,3 MB

This English version of the French publication, will be a valuable reference tool for civil engineers. There are over 12,000 definitions accompanied by more than 1,300 charts, tables, and graphs. This dictionary is a comprehensive compilation of definitions, examples and descriptions - from the study of soils, and the various materials and equipment used, including the most common architectural terms as they relate to civil engineering. The clear and concise presentation of this dictionary will easily clarify often confusing concepts and correct other lexicological errors. This compendium will be an invaluable tool not only for civil engineers, but also for lawyers, contractors, engineering and design departments, architects, etc. and all trade associations involved with this discipline. This dictionary may also be used as a valuable teaching tool.

DiaGrid : Structural Efficiency & Increasing Popularity

DiaGrid : Structural Efficiency & Increasing Popularity